Monday, September 17, 2012

When Life Gives You Lemons

So today we're here to talk about Lulu Lemon.  What is Lulu Lemon?  Basically, it is a designer brand for work-out clothes.  If you live here and you are a dancer, if you're cool enough (and rich enough) you will be sporting your high-performance, Lulu Lemon attire.  I'm not against this by any means, I just find it comical.  I think a dancer must have been fed up one day with the fact that they never got to wear all the nice, designer, name-brand clothing that white collar workers wear, and decided to capitalize on the idea.  So now, there is designer clothing even for dancers.  (Don't ask me how dancers afford designer clothing...we're talking $100-$200 for a zip-up hoodie.)  But I suppose if you are going to see it anywhere, it's going to be New York.

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!! I love this!!!!!!!!!
