Saturday, April 4, 2015

Hanami, Sensei, and Ashi

Mimosas under the sakura trees

Hanami - Sakura viewing, or cherry blossom viewing has been a priority on my list for my year here in Japan.  It happens briefly every spring and the "when" just depends on the weather and when the first few warm days bring the blossoms out to say hello.  The post cards do not lie.  They are absolutely beautiful, and I felt like I had stepped into a fairy tale everywhere I looked.

Unfortunately, it was too "windy" for the row boats to go out.  Wait...was that two blossoms that just fell to the ground?  Look out, that must mean the whitecaps are coming.  Oh Japan and all your rules...we will need to do some serious adjusting to each other this year.

Look who's in town for the next month!  I have so enjoyed the familiarity and ease of taking class from my teacher from New York City, Richard Pierlon.  Believe me, by ease, I don't mean an easy class, especially after so many months away from the city.
I have missed dancing so much over these past few months since I left New York.  Even though I have the joy of performing and working my body so hard physically, it is still something all it's own.  Richard's class has been such an escape and refreshing challenge.

Celebrating after rehearsal like a kid, with my
cup'o'lemonade before passing out from exhaustion.
This week's biggest and seemingly insurmountable challenge: continuing the search for a way to keep my legs from going numb while performing.
Mission accomplished!  Just two days before our soft opening (preview performances), my trainers and I found a solution that has proven to be replicable!  After so much worry about a year of such pain and frustration as well as countless rehearsal hours of trying new harness positions, we struck gold.

 Today's first performance with an audience was more than a success!  My legs had full feeling, the audience was gasping with excitement as Ariel swam just above their heads, and I was reminded of the joy of performing for an audience.  It has been oh so long since I've been on stage, and what better way to be welcomed back than to soar over an awed crowd in such a magical production.

Performing for Disney definitely has a different kind of magic and energy than many other productions because of the way the world knows the characters.  They immediately believe who you say you are.  You don't need to convince them, but instead, live up to the red-headed mermaid they know and love and make sure that you aren't the reason they loose that trust.