Thursday, November 26, 2015

Here Come the Holidays

Happy Thanksgiving from Tokyo!  I have a lot to be thankful for this year and high on that list are the people that have been able to visit me this fall.  My parents were here for ten days this past month and Eric was also able to visit for another surprise weekend in October.  All were able to see my show!  It is always so surreal to be performing this show for my people.

My weekend with Eric in Tokyo was everything I could have asked for except, of course, more time.  The weather was just changing and we enjoyed the first fall weekend together in Tokyo.  We  finally had a few "normal" experiences together: going to a friend's for dinner, watching a movie, making breakfast at home.  I can't wait for more of these times once I'm back in The States.

My parents came just a few days after he left and they were able to visit my church, admire the stunning autumn leaves of Nikko, see the sights of Tokyo, and do normal life, like puzzles and pancakes at my apartment.  Who would have thought we'd all end up in Japan together!?  But then again, who would have thought that I'd end up being a Japanese-speaking Little Mermaid aerialist?

Nikko, Japan

Today I spent Thanksgiving with some fellow Americans at my friends' Kelli and Jason's house.  I was so grateful to be in a family home to make the holiday seem a little more "normal."  Then again, what is normal?  Last year I was in Turkey, the year before I was living aboard the Disney Magic and now I am in Japan.  But the norm of eating too much delicious food has still held true for the past two years.

When mermaid-ing isn't filling all my time (which it is most of these days as I make up for recent time off) I have been doing normal things like, you  know, Taiko Drumming -- the perfect creative outlet for all your aggression and frustrations.  No, but really, so much fun and a full body workout.  Amie and I have been movie regulars (Pan and Mockingjay), I have taken a couple yoga classes, baked for Thanksgiving and decorated my apartment for Christmas (yes, already).