Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cioccolato e le Vacanze

Liz and me with our cioccolato caldo.
Yesterday I made my first venture out of Tuscany and traveled to Umbria to the famous Eurochocolate festival in Perugia.  We got to enjoy the gorgeous city during our 50 minute walk from the train station to the festival.  There isn't much to say other than that chocolate is still as delectable as ever and that Italians have the right idea of hot chocolate.  Instead of being a hot chocolatey beverage it is more like drinking a melted chocolate bar.  It is delectable.  After having a sample, I bought a cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream and chocolate shavings on top and I thought I had died and gone to heaven.  Once the whipped cream was gone I added a bit of the cioccolato liquore di caffe sample they gave us and it just made a good thing better.

Although each day may pass slowly, overall, time is sweeping past like the wind on a blustery day in the city.  Tomorrow will be our last day of the PLP (Preparatory Language Program) and then we will have oral and written exams at the end of the week.  And then...I leave for London!  I will only be in London for 3 days, but I am extremely excited for it.  I booked a ticket for Sweet Charity on Saturday night and Chicago on Monday night and I just can't wait!  Two Fosse shows in one vacation!  It would be more fun to see them with someone else, but hey, how can you complain.
After a full three days in London I will fly to Dublin where I will be spending four days.  I haven't planned out my trip in Ireland yet, but I have ideas and suggestions from Irish friends that will have me well on my way.  It will be so wonderful to spend some time in the beautiful open countryside after being in a city for the past couple months.  I am also looking forward to a break from foreign language.  It will be so nice to be able to understand everything.  I'll be able to read the bus schedules, order food, ask for many things that I used to take for granted.  I can't wait!  I will try to blog once more before I leave.  We'll see if it happens.

Friday, October 8, 2010

"And we're dancin', and it feels alright..." ♫♫♫

I have been taking a few dance classes over the past couple of weeks at a studio called Florence Dance Center.  I don't know what it is about dance, but it makes everything in life so much better.  It is not just the scientific links to exercise and emotions either, it is more with dance.  It has also been amazing to see how dance is such a universal language.  My teacher speaks absolutely no English, however, I am still able to take class and understand her instructions even when she is speaking and not even demonstrating.  She reminds me so much of my teacher Luba Gulyaeva from New Jersey!  I enjoy reminiscing about my time at North Jersey School of Dance Arts while I am in class.

It is also nice to go somewhere and have some individuality rather than always being associated with a group of people.  Dance is something that is all mine, just for me.  As selfish as it sounds, it is nice to not have to worry about making people happy...I go when I want, do what I want when I'm there, and I do whatever I want on the way home.

As always, school is getting in the way of dance.  I have finally registered for classes for this fall, which will start November 2nd.  It looks like I will only be able to take 1, maybe 2, ballet classes per week.  However, I will be able to take modern and contemporary classes as well.  In a way I suppose it is good that these are the only options in my schedule on some days, because I would never opt to take them over ballet and I know that I need to become a more versatile dancer.
One of the directors of the school is an American and I have been speaking with him about financial aid for tuition at the school.  He has been very generous and is willing to work with me as much as is possible and in exchange, he is thinking of what I could do in the office to utilize my English for their school's benefit.  I am so thankful that God has always provided a way for me to continue dancing through the years at so many different schools.

I am sure you will soon hear more about my dancing aspirations as I will be coming back from my trip to London on a high from seeing a musical or two.  Then you won't hear me talking about will be musical theater all the way.  Ah, how I miss performing!!!  It has been far, far to long since I have been on stage.  Until next time...DANCE!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Last weekend I took a bus to Fiesole with a couple other girls from the program for a few hours.  It was gorgeous!  I found that quiet place that I have been looking for over the past 6 weeks!  The 2,40 Euro round trip bus ride was definitely worth it.  To my family...we will definitely be going here for a day away from the crowds when you come to visit.  There were very few people around and those who were there were mostly locals.
We wondered aimlessly around the city, walking up and down very steep roads and steps, getting glimpses of breathtaking panoramic views.  I think this will be my place of escape...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

A God Blog

Before I left for Italy I had some friends and family who were worried for my spiritual life and relationship with Jesus, that it could become stagnant and meaningless.  I also had others who were extremely optimistic about how studying abroad would grow my relationship with Jesus and my reliance on Him.  I definitely feel like the later of these is true.  Although I have not had as much fellowship with other believers as I would in San Jose, my reliance on Jesus and my trust in him has definitely grown and my relationship is changing from only talking about God to talking with God.  I am being stretched to trust Him more than ever as my protector, my comforter, my friend, my father (knowing what is best for me) and my teacher.

I also have found that I am growing because of the need to rely on myself for spiritual feeding instead of relying on others to spoon feed church, at Campus Crusade for Christ, at Bible study.  I definitely haven't been spending as much designated time with Jesus, but I feel like he has become more a part of my everyday life than only during my quiet time, as it was at home.

Since the day I left the U.S. I have been listening to and pondering the words of the Jon Foreman cd's Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer.  If you are ever at a loss of what to talk to God about, what to praise Him for or simply words of encouragement from Him...listen to these cd's!  They have been my constant companion these past 6 weeks.
I am not saying everything is hunky dory all the time or that I don't need a church or fellowship with other believers, but all in all, I am drawing nearer, not further away from my Savior.
I couldn't leave you without a beautiful picture, now could I?
For those of you who are praying for me while I am away, I do have a prayer request.  Homesickness and loneliness have been knocking at my door this week as the weather begins to change here.  I have not let them in, but they know where I live and are sure to be back.  I have 8 more months here and I cannot begin to feel this way yet.  These next 3 or 4 months will be the hardest for homesickness and I hope you will pray for me!