Thursday, September 9, 2010

Tourist Alert!

My U.S. roommates, Becca and Maleesa, on the terrace of The Duomo.

I have finally participated in some tourist activities in the past two days, but in my mind, I like to think of the first as more of a "cultural event."
Wednesday night, we watched out Valentina and Ilaria's window as a parade proceeded to the end of our street to down our street to Piazza della Annunziata.  People held lanterns on long rods with candles inside, children shot pea shooters (Or something like it.  This was not so pleasant as I was shot in the cheek while standing in the window.) and bands played; some in t-shirts and others in medieval costumes.  The parade was to commemorate a pilgrimage of some sort of a group of people who came to Firenze down our street, Via Dei Servi.  Clearly there was a language barrier when being told about the significance of this parade or I wouldn't be so vague.  I think it has something to do with the Virgin Mary.
In the Piazza there was a concert being held, candy being sold and children dancing around as nuns walked by and a statue centuries old stood watch in the Piazza.  It is so strange to see modern day society meshing with hundreds of years of history.
Yes, that really is The Duomo down the street from our window.

Event number two, which I would classify as a definite tourist event, but not a frivolous one, was climbing to the veranda of the famous Duomo on Thursday.  It is only open to the public once a year and it is entirely free!  We were afraid that is would be closed off due to the rain and the risk of slipping but everything here (including walking on the sidewalk) is much more "at your own risk."  The line was relatively short and the view was amazing!  By the time we got to the top the rain was petering out and the sun decided to drop by.  It was absolutely perfect.
Surely the closest you'll ever get to The Duomo.
What a view!

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