Monday, May 30, 2011

"I told you so."

Before I left I was repeatedly told by everyone how much I would change and how much I'd learn from a year away from my culture, language, family and home.  Here are a few things I've learned, significant and insignificant...

~I've learned another language and with that how profoundly language influences our relationships but at the same time how it is still possible to surpass language barriers in so many ways.  Dancing is the same in every language, Jesus is the same in every language, and people and their feelings are the same as well.

~I've learned to be less materialistic.  I have an entire closet full of clothes at home that I haven't seen in a year, yet I've had absolutely no need for them.  I haven't bought "stuff" this year because of the lack of means to get it home.  I have made do without a kitchen stocked full of the finest cooking utensils.  Even those of us who "aren't materialistic" to the U.S. standards have room to grow here.

~I've learned how to be myself instead of always "the girls" or "Victoria and Caroline."  This change has been long and coming since we began school at separate universities, but I feel like it really solidified this year.  I don't always enjoy the separation, but I've always wondered how I would be able to live without her.  I suppose we can do almost anything when life makes us.

~I've learned to toughen up, get thicker skin, and let it go.  Sarcasm and little jabs that people intentionally or unintentionally throw out, whether it be about past-times, eating, looks, studying, upbringing or other things, can sting, but there are usually bigger issues to worry about.  Dwelling on it will only hurt you.  They have already forgotten what they said.

~I've learned how to dive in 100% and just live. A lifetime of moving has already put me a step in the right direction, but I have continued to learn how to live in the present.  It is so easy to keep from investing in people, places and lifestyles because we know that it is only temporary.  It is also easy to look back at the past and long for things that were meant for a different season of life.

~I have learned how to light a stove and oven with a cigarette lighter without getting burned.
~I have learned how to pack for three weeks in a tiny duffel bag that is just bigger than a school backpack.
~I have learned how to "go out" - meaning go out to bars and go out dancing.
~I have learned to like wine.
~I have learned to be less freaked out about money.
~I have learned how to fly by the seat of my pants in traveling and in everyday life.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

End of the line

I've been neglecting you, I know.  So much has happened in this past month and I haven't wanted to spend my last month on the computer.  Here are the cliff notes.

~ Hannah's Visit:  A friend of mine from high school who I haven't seen in 4 years (with the exception of a couple of hours), came to visit me!  We spent a LONG day of hiking (6 hours straight!) in Cinque Terre, toured Florence, took a field trip to Rosselle and San Galgano.  The hope of attending a Fiorentino soccer game was in the air, but the rain was stonger than our desire to be soaked by it.

Valentina and me on the road to Cortona!
~ A weekend home with Valentina in Castiglion Fiorentino:  I absolutely loved Valentina's family and her town.  It was the beautiful Tuscan countryside that all of our imaginations conjure up.  We spent time in Castiglion Fiorentino, Cortona, Arezzo and a day by the lake in Castiglion del Lago.  Unfortunately the vast fields of girasoli (sunflowers) don't bloom until late July and August.  It was a wonderful way to spend one of our last weekends in Italia and brought us closer with Valentina.

~ Lately?:  Finals just finished on Thursday and for me that means FOREVER!  I am officially finished with my college career!  In fact, my entire life of education as I have always known it!  Now I just wait and keep my fingers crossed that San Jose State University doesn't do anything stupid between now and the time they process my diploma next December.
Becca, Lauren and me.  A night out on the town after graduating!
The rest of my time has been filled with dinner parties, gelato, restaurants, birthday parties, water balloons, parks, movie nights.....  I will most likely get sick by the time I arrive home after a week and a half of 6 hours of sleep (or less), exhaustion from my first bought ever with allergies, emotional hoola-hoops as I deal with moving, and a grand finale of a 14 hour layover through the night in the Paris, Charles De Gualle Airport.  My thought process in regards to running my body into the ground:  I only live once, and I only live in Italy for 5 more days.
Only a summary, but as my blog readers, you unfortunately are only privileged to "the game highlights." 

My latest reading material?  Don't worry, you aren't missing out on much but if you really want me to, I can forward you my just-short-of-100-slides from 20th Century and Renaissance Art History.  Oh wait...I deleted those cause I'M DONE!